Frequently Asked Questions

Do you take insurance?

While we don’t take insurance, we do accept cash, check, credit card, or Flex Saving Accounts/Health Savings Accounts to pay for treatment. It might be possible to be reimbursed based on your out of network benefits through your insurance plan. However, we do not process those claims. It is recommended families reach out to their insurance companies before the first session to see if they could be reimbursed under their out of network benefits (under codes 90791 and 90834).

We are passionate about the privacy of the children and teens we serve. We want to offer the most effective, compassionate, and personalized treatment possible. In many cases, this directly conflicts with the medical model of insurance companies. Sometimes they deem certain services not medically necessary, depending on the case, and will not cover therapy. We can provide a superbill monthly with all the necessary information for you to complete a claim to request insurance reimbursement. 

How long will my child need counseling? How many sessions will it take?

It is difficult to estimate how long treatment will last, as treatment depends on a number of factors. Some of these include: the presenting concerns, level of participation and engagement, the amount of motivation to change and insight, recommendations followed outside of sessions, frequency of sessions, etc. Counseling can be short term or long term depending on all of these factors. Therapy can evolve over time with your child. The efficacy of therapy is discussed openly throughout the process with you and your child.

How frequently do you schedule counseling sessions?

Typically, the best outcomes come from more frequent initial therapy sessions. This means weekly or biweekly to start. This allows for your child to become more comfortable with their counselor while they build a safe and trusting foundational relationship. This allows for a higher dosage of treatment while they are learning and practicing new skills and minimizes regression in between sessions.

As the child becomes more successful at practicing their new skills outside of counseling and their functioning improves, sessions are typically reduced to a lower frequency.

What are your hours to schedule counseling sessions?

Counseling sessions can be scheduled mornings, middle of the day, and late afternoon Mondays-Thursdays. After-school hours are more popular, so it might be likely that mornings or midday will be open at first, with the possibility to move to after-school slots after counseling has started.

What if I don’t want to take my child out of school for counseling?

That is understandable! This is a common and valid concern caregivers have. We can get creative with scheduling. We do before school, during a lunch, study hall, another free period, early release days, and days your child has off from school to minimize time taken out of academic content.

Depending on the reason why you’re seeking counseling for your child, they may be significantly impacted by those concerns in the school setting. This makes counseling treatment an important investment that ultimately helps them where they are struggling.

We do provide school excuses for appointments that take place during the school day to minimize attendance concerns.